Game Shoot

Good Ones

Social Games 1

Social Games 2

Social Games 3


House of Cards

Ehh........ (other takes)

Dealing....the swirl thing

It's a Smiley Face!

Frankly I was pretty lost with this shoot. The idea of long exposure with games confused me, and researching online didn't yield any examples that shed light on the concept. Usually I associated games, especially with respects to sports, as stop-motion, very fast exposure shoots, so I didn't understand how a long exposure could work except give a long blur. So, I tried to take the concept of "games" to a more abstract level. As opposed to actual activities of specific actions,  I tried to represent more broadly social games and monetary/capitalist/survival games - again, abstractly. The first three images are supposed to abstractly depict different feelings of social interaction - individualism, isolation, cooperation, competition and such. Navigating society can be seen as a game. The latter images combine the coins with cards to depict society - with regards to capitalism and working to survive - as a game of stakes, chance, guessing and constant change. 

Overall I'm okay with the final results. There are nothing spectacular with each images technics or stylistic-wise, but I'm happy with the angle I took to address the theme "game."

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